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MoUs Exchanged during the State Visit of President of Myanmar

Prime Minister's Office

MoUs Exchanged during the State Visit of President of Myanmar



Signatory (India)

Signatory (Myanmar)



MoU on Cooperation for Prevention of Trafficking in Persons; Rescue, Recovery, Repatriation and Re-Integration of Victims of Trafficking

HE Shri Saurabh Kumar;
Ambassador of India to Myanmar

HE Moe Kyaw Aung
Ambassador of Myanmar to India

Same as signatories


Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar regarding Indian Grant Assistance for Implementation of Quick Impact Projects (QIP)

HE Shri Saurabh Kumar;
Ambassador of India to Myanmar

HE Moe Kyaw Aung
Ambassador of Myanmar to India

Same as signatories


Project Agreement between Rakhine State Government and Embassy of India, Yangon for construction of incinerator in Mrauk Oo township hospital, construction of seed storage houses and water supply systems in Gwa township under Rakhine State Development Programme

HE Shri Saurabh Kumar;
Ambassador of India to Myanmar

HE Moe Kyaw Aung
Ambassador of Myanmar to India

Same as signatories


Project Agreement between Rakhine State Government and Embassy of India, Yangon for distribution of electricity by solar power in five townships of Rakhine State under Rakhine State Development Program

HE Shri Saurabh Kumar;
Ambassador of India to Myanmar

HE Moe Kyaw Aung
Ambassador of Myanmar to India

Same as signatories


Project Agreement between Rakhine State Government and Embassy of India, Yangon for construction of Kyawlyaung- Ohlphyu road, construction of Kyaung Taung Kyaw Paung road in Buthedaung Township under Rakhine State Development Program

HE Shri Saurabh Kumar;
Ambassador of India to Myanmar

HE Moe Kyaw Aung
Ambassador of Myanmar to India

Same as signatories


Project Agreement Between Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and Embassy of India, Yangon for construction of pre-schools under Rakhine State Development Programme

HE Shri Saurabh Kumar;
Ambassador of India to Myanmar

HE Moe Kyaw Aung
Ambassador of Myanmar to India

Same as signatories


MoU for Cooperation on Combating Timber Trafficking, and Conservation of Tigers and other Wildlife

HE Shri Saurabh Kumar;
Ambassador of India to Myanmar

HE Moe Kyaw Aung
Ambassador of Myanmar to India

Same as signatories


MoU between India (MoPNG) and Myanmar (Ministry of Electricity & Energy) for cooperation in the field of petroleum products

Shri Sunil Kumar
Joint Secretary
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Republic of India

U Than Zaw Director General, Oil & Gas Planning Department, Ministry of Electricity & Energy

Ambassador of India to Myanmar Shri Saurabh Kumar and Ambassador of Myanmar to India Mr. Moe Kyaw Aung


MoU between the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of India and the Ministry of Transport & Communications of Myanmar on cooperation in the field of communication

Mr. Anshu Prakash,
Secretary, Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications

H.E Moe Kyaw Aung, Ambassador of Myanmar

Same as signatories


Bekhabaron Ki Khabar - बेख़बरों की खबर

Bekhabaron Ki Khabar, magazine in Hindi by Radheshyam Chourasiya / Bekhabaron Ki Khabar: Read on mobile & tablets -


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